I LIKE potatoes. I am not in LOVE with them. Yukon Gold & Red potatoes are the one’s I really like preparing. When I travel South I always eat at the Cracker Barrel and they have a great hashbrown casserole. Today I decided to make my version. The internet is like Disney World for Chef’s, Cook Enthusiasts & Foodies alike.

Only eating Fish & Seafood has caused me peruse the internet for meal ideas. I had some Sweet Potatoes for pie and red potatoes. The recipe called for pre-made hashbrowns but I opted out ans just combined the red & sweet potatoes. I LOVE sweet potatoes and add them to recipes suggesting potatoes.

I made eggs with mushrooms since I had them and did not want them to go bad. As I stated before most recipes I create or recreate are measured by eye.

Shredded Red Potatoes

Shredded Sweet Potatoes

Chopped Onions

Sour Cream

Melted Butter

Cream of Celery Soup



Combine all ingredients and place in a greased dish. Bake at 350° for 10 minutes. If you want it a bit more CRISP on the top then turn it to broil and broil for 3-5 minutes.

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The Low Down On Lo Mein

So I let my daughter “BULLY” me into NO MEAT only fish & seafood. Although I am a Chef I do not eat red meat or pork. I feel like this is elder abuse of sorts. I am looking into laws surrounding this matter…..But Anywho….

I woke up with meal planning in my mind. When I ran across this RECIPE by Damn Delicious. I love their blog. They have great recipes.

I created my ingredient list and only had to get 3 items. I had the remaining ingredients. I stopped in my local market only to find they have no Lo Mein Egg Noodles


After perusing the aisle with oriental ingredients I decided to go down the aisle with the pasta and found a LO MEIN LIKE pasta. This pasta was much more fun. Swirly and seemed more interesting than a normal Lo Mein Egg Pasta.

The ingredient list included:





Red Peppers

My FAVES….This recipe had me at MUSHROOMS…The sauce was DEAD ON. I have grown accustomed to making my own food. The internet is a playground for Chef’s. You can get lost looking at recipes. I Love Food & Food Loves Me Too


I ran across this recipe on TASTEMADE. Click on TASTEMADE to watch the video. I followed it to the letter and it was AH-maze-zing. I LOVE plantains…..L-O-V-E….I was excited to make these. I had most of the ingredients. All except for the Cilantro and the PLANTAINS…….

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Cherry Tomatoes, Cilantro, Red Onion & Jalapenos

When I saw the ingredient list I was like YESSSSSSS. All these combined together will make for an amazing tasting dish….When you watch the video you will get excited as well.

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So I seasoned my shrimp with salt, pepper & cumin, I cooked my shrimp let them cool and combined all the ingredients and let it chill.

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My cups came out OK. 1 looks great but the other 2 look like WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP..Don’t think I am NOT going to eat them because I am. Practice makes perfect.

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The end result is amazing…I am going to host an event just so I can serve these babies…..

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I’m About That Kitchen Life. My Shirt Says So

I am Chef Danielle. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY where I currently reside. I’ve ALWAYS had LOVE. LOVE for family, community, friends & learning. I even went to school to become a veterinary nurse because of my LOVE for animals. NOTHING beat the LOVE I developed for FOOD. I saw my Mom experiment in the kitchen with many recipes. As a child I didn’t appreciate the taste nor the effort. It wasn’t until I became a young woman that I saw every ounce of LOVE that went into cooking through my Mom. She loved to entertain. She loved being creative and it showed in her cooking. I plan to bring you MY TAKE on different recipes, reviews of  dishes, kitchen gadgets and to show you MY LOVE for food that was passed down to me.

